
Epuborhasamoney-backguarantee,plustheyhaveafree30-daytrial.I'veenjoyedusingthesoftware,andit'sbeenstableandquitehelpful.,2020年4月29日—WhileEpuborisprimarilymarketedasaDRM-strippingtool,itdoeshavelibraryebookmanagementfeatures.Youcaneditanebook'smetadata, ...,DoyouagreewithEpubor's4-starrating?Checkoutwhat956peoplehavewrittensofar,andshareyourownexperience.|Read81-100Reviewsoutof786.,Ihadgoodl...

Product Review

Epubor has a money-back guarantee, plus they have a free 30-day trial. I've enjoyed using the software, and it's been stable and quite helpful.


2020年4月29日 — While Epubor is primarily marketed as a DRM-stripping tool, it does have library ebook management features. You can edit an ebook's metadata, ...

Epubor Reviews | 5 of 40

Do you agree with Epubor's 4-star rating? Check out what 956 people have written so far, and share your own experience. | Read 81-100 Reviews out of 786.

Epubor Ultimate Free Download with Review

I had good luck with it for the new kindle formats. It finds your books automatically and you drag the ones you want to convert to a window. It decrypts them ...

The Best Professional eBook DRM Removal and Converter

Epubor Ultimate is the best ebook DRM Removal software. It can strip drm from ebooks purchased from kindle, kobo, Google Play, Barnes& Noble and more ebook ...

Epubor vs Calibre

2021年7月8日 — 1 Epubor Ultimate offers a trial version that allows you to download and test for free. ... 2 Very easy to use with a rather simple and user- ...

Epubor Reviews 2024

Epubor Ultimate is a powerful and easy-to-use eBook converter and DRM removal tool. It can convert eBooks from a variety of formats, including Kindle, Kobo, and ...

Epubor eBook Manager - is it safe to use?

2020年5月3日 — Yes it worked on some books.. but some had errors (blank pages, black pages). Sometimes the DRM removal and converting took minutes for one book ...

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Do you agree with Epubor's 4-star rating? Check out what 959 people have written so far, and share your own experience.